Arthritis News, August/September 2007, 132.
Blood, 15 July 2007, 110(2).
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, August 2007, 64(2).
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, June 2007, 52(6).
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, June 2007, 52(6, suppl.1).
Clinical and Experimental Immunology, August 2007, 149(2).
Clinical Cancer Research, 15 July 2007, 13(14).
Current Biology, 17 July 2007, 17(14).
Journal of Clinical Pathology, August 2007, 60(8).
Journal of Family Practice, July 2007, 56(7).
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 10 July 2007, 50(2).
New England Journal of Medicine, 2 August 2007, 357(5).
Radio Graphics, July-August 2007, 27(4).
Thorax, August 2007, 62(8).
Vascular Disease Prevention, August 2007, 4(3).
31 July 2007
27 July 2007
Journals recieved in the library, 30th July 2007
Acta Paediatrica, August 2007, 96(8).
Age and Ageing, July 2007, 36(4).
American Journal of Epidemiology, 15 July 2007, 166(2).
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, July 2007, 197(1).
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 1 July 2007, 176(1).
Archives of Internal Medicine, 9 July 2007, 167(13).
Archives of Ophthalmology, July 2007, 125(7).
Archives of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, July 2007, 133(7).
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, July 2007, 161(7).
BMJ, 28 July 2007, 335(7612).
BMJ Careers, 28 July 2007, 335.
British Journal of Psychiatry, August 2007, 191.
British Journal of Psychiatry, August 2007, 191(suppl. 50).
Cancer, 15 July 2007, 110(2).
Capital Doctor, July 2007, 63.
Diabetes, July 2007, 56(7).
Hospital Doctor, 26 July 2007.
Immunological reviews, August 2007, 218.
JAMA, 25 July 2007, 298(4).
JAMA, 1 August 2007, 298(5).
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 10 July 2007, 25(20).
Journal of Hepatology, August 2007, 47(2).
Journal of International Medical Research, July/August 2007, 35(4).
JPRAS, 60(8).
Lancet, 28 July- 3 August, 370(9584).
New England Journal of Medicine, 26 July 2007, 357(4).
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, August 2007, 120(2).
Rheumatology, August 2007, 46(8).
Science, 20 July 2007, 317(5836).
Seminars in Hematology, July 2007, 44(3).
Surgery, June 2007, 25(6).
Age and Ageing, July 2007, 36(4).
American Journal of Epidemiology, 15 July 2007, 166(2).
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, July 2007, 197(1).
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 1 July 2007, 176(1).
Archives of Internal Medicine, 9 July 2007, 167(13).
Archives of Ophthalmology, July 2007, 125(7).
Archives of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, July 2007, 133(7).
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, July 2007, 161(7).
BMJ, 28 July 2007, 335(7612).
BMJ Careers, 28 July 2007, 335.
British Journal of Psychiatry, August 2007, 191.
British Journal of Psychiatry, August 2007, 191(suppl. 50).
Cancer, 15 July 2007, 110(2).
Capital Doctor, July 2007, 63.
Diabetes, July 2007, 56(7).
Hospital Doctor, 26 July 2007.
Immunological reviews, August 2007, 218.
JAMA, 25 July 2007, 298(4).
JAMA, 1 August 2007, 298(5).
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 10 July 2007, 25(20).
Journal of Hepatology, August 2007, 47(2).
Journal of International Medical Research, July/August 2007, 35(4).
JPRAS, 60(8).
Lancet, 28 July- 3 August, 370(9584).
New England Journal of Medicine, 26 July 2007, 357(4).
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, August 2007, 120(2).
Rheumatology, August 2007, 46(8).
Science, 20 July 2007, 317(5836).
Seminars in Hematology, July 2007, 44(3).
Surgery, June 2007, 25(6).
26 July 2007
Journals received in the library, 26th July 2007
Acta Psychiatrica Scandanavica, August 2007, 116(2).
Alcohol & Alcoholism, May/June 2007, 42(3).
Annals of Emergency Medicine, July 2007, 50(1).
Annals of Internal Medicine, 3 July 2007, 147(1).
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, August 2007, 66(8).
Archives of Disease in Childhood, August 2007, 92(8).
Archives of Disease in Childhood (Education & Practice Edition), August 2007, 92(4).
BJOG, August 2007, 114(8).
BJU, August 2007, 100(2).
BMJ, 21 July 2007, 335(7611).
Bone Marrow Transplantation, August 2007, 40(3).
British Journal of Ophthalmology, August 2007, 91(8).
Cancer Research, 67(13).
Clinical Cancer Research, 13(13).
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 15 July 2007, 45(2).
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 15 July 2007, 45(suppl. 1).
Current Biology, 3 July 2007, 17(13).
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, August 2007, 49(8).
European Respiratory Journal, July 2007, 30(1).
Gene Therapy, August 2007, 14(15).
Heart, August 2007, 93(8).
HSJ, 26 July 2007, 117(6066).
Internal Medicine Journal, June 2007, 37(6).
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, July 2007, 22(7).
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, July 2007, 57(1).
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, , July/August 2007, 14(4).
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 60(1).
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, June 2007, 89B(6).
Journal of Cell Biology, 2 July 2007, 178(1).
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 1 July 2007, 25(19).
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, August 2007, 61(8).
Journal of Immunology, 15 July 2007, 179(2).
Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, July 2007, 9(3).
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 99(13).
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, August 2007, 78(8).
Journal of Pediatrics, July 2007, 151(1).
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, July 2007, 100(7).
Journals of Gerontology, June 2007, 62A(6).
Kidney International, July 2007, 72(1).
Lancet, 21-27 July 2007, 370(9583).
Molecular & Cellular Biology, July 2007, 27(14).
Nature, 26 July 2007, 448(7152).
NDT, July 2007, 22(suppl. 5).
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, July 2007, 22(7).
Neuron, 5 July 2007, 55(1).
New Scientist, 28 July 2007, 195(2614).
Orthopedic Clinics of North America, April 2007, 38(2).
PNAS, 3 July 2007, 104(27).
Practical Neurology, August 2007, 7(4).
Psychiatric Bulletin, July 2007, 31(7).
Psychological Medicine, August 2007, 37(8).
Scientific American, July 2007, 297(1).
Alcohol & Alcoholism, May/June 2007, 42(3).
Annals of Emergency Medicine, July 2007, 50(1).
Annals of Internal Medicine, 3 July 2007, 147(1).
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, August 2007, 66(8).
Archives of Disease in Childhood, August 2007, 92(8).
Archives of Disease in Childhood (Education & Practice Edition), August 2007, 92(4).
BJOG, August 2007, 114(8).
BJU, August 2007, 100(2).
BMJ, 21 July 2007, 335(7611).
Bone Marrow Transplantation, August 2007, 40(3).
British Journal of Ophthalmology, August 2007, 91(8).
Cancer Research, 67(13).
Clinical Cancer Research, 13(13).
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 15 July 2007, 45(2).
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 15 July 2007, 45(suppl. 1).
Current Biology, 3 July 2007, 17(13).
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, August 2007, 49(8).
European Respiratory Journal, July 2007, 30(1).
Gene Therapy, August 2007, 14(15).
Heart, August 2007, 93(8).
HSJ, 26 July 2007, 117(6066).
Internal Medicine Journal, June 2007, 37(6).
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, July 2007, 22(7).
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, July 2007, 57(1).
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, , July/August 2007, 14(4).
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 60(1).
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, June 2007, 89B(6).
Journal of Cell Biology, 2 July 2007, 178(1).
Journal of Clinical Oncology, 1 July 2007, 25(19).
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, August 2007, 61(8).
Journal of Immunology, 15 July 2007, 179(2).
Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, July 2007, 9(3).
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 99(13).
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, August 2007, 78(8).
Journal of Pediatrics, July 2007, 151(1).
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, July 2007, 100(7).
Journals of Gerontology, June 2007, 62A(6).
Kidney International, July 2007, 72(1).
Lancet, 21-27 July 2007, 370(9583).
Molecular & Cellular Biology, July 2007, 27(14).
Nature, 26 July 2007, 448(7152).
NDT, July 2007, 22(suppl. 5).
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, July 2007, 22(7).
Neuron, 5 July 2007, 55(1).
New Scientist, 28 July 2007, 195(2614).
Orthopedic Clinics of North America, April 2007, 38(2).
PNAS, 3 July 2007, 104(27).
Practical Neurology, August 2007, 7(4).
Psychiatric Bulletin, July 2007, 31(7).
Psychological Medicine, August 2007, 37(8).
Scientific American, July 2007, 297(1).
20 July 2007
Journals received in the library, 20th July 2007
American Journal of Gastroenterology, July 2007, 102(7).
American journal of Kidney Diseases, July 2007, 50(1).
American Journal of Psychiatry, July 2007, 164(7).
American Journal of Psychiatry, July 2007, 164(7 suppl.).
Archives of Sexual Behaviour, June 2007, 36(3).
British Journal of Cancer, 16 July 2007, 97(2).
Cell, 29 June 2007, 129(7).
Current Contents: Life Sciences, 4 June 2007, 50(23).
Current Contents: Life Sciences, 11 June 2007, 50(24).
Current Contents: Life Sciences, 18 June 2007, 50(25).
Current Contents: Life Sciences, 25 June 2007, 50(26).
European Journal of Immunology, 2007, 37(7).
Hepatology, 46(1).
HSJ, 19 July 2007, 117 (6065).
Human Pathology, July 2007, 38(7).
Immunology, August 2007, 121(4).
Intensive care Medicine, July 2007, 33(7).
Intensive Care Medicine, June 2007, 33 (suppl. 1).
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, July 2007, 57(3).
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, August 2006, 16(4).
International Journal of Social Psychiatry, July 2007, 53(4).
Journal of the American Medical Association, 18 July 2007, , 298(3).
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 3 July 2007, 50(1).
Journal of Clinical Investigation, July 2007, 117(7).
Journal of Infectious Diseases, 15 July 2007, 196(2).
Journal of Virology, July 2007, 81(14).
Liver Transplantation, July 2007, 13(7).
Nature, 19 July 2007, 448(7151).
New Scientist, 21 july 2007, 195(2613).
New England journal of Medicine, 19 July 2007, 357(3).
Pediatric Clinics of North America, June 2007, 54(3).
Postgraduate Medical Journal, July 2007, 83(981).
Rheumatology, July 2007, 46(7).
Science, 13 july 2007, 317(5835).
Surgical Clinics of North America, June 2007, 87(3).
Surgical Neurology, July 2007, 68(1).
Transplant International, August 2007, 20(8).
Trends in Molecular Medicine, July 2007, 13(7).
American journal of Kidney Diseases, July 2007, 50(1).
American Journal of Psychiatry, July 2007, 164(7).
American Journal of Psychiatry, July 2007, 164(7 suppl.).
Archives of Sexual Behaviour, June 2007, 36(3).
British Journal of Cancer, 16 July 2007, 97(2).
Cell, 29 June 2007, 129(7).
Current Contents: Life Sciences, 4 June 2007, 50(23).
Current Contents: Life Sciences, 11 June 2007, 50(24).
Current Contents: Life Sciences, 18 June 2007, 50(25).
Current Contents: Life Sciences, 25 June 2007, 50(26).
European Journal of Immunology, 2007, 37(7).
Hepatology, 46(1).
HSJ, 19 July 2007, 117 (6065).
Human Pathology, July 2007, 38(7).
Immunology, August 2007, 121(4).
Intensive care Medicine, July 2007, 33(7).
Intensive Care Medicine, June 2007, 33 (suppl. 1).
International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, July 2007, 57(3).
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, August 2006, 16(4).
International Journal of Social Psychiatry, July 2007, 53(4).
Journal of the American Medical Association, 18 July 2007, , 298(3).
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 3 July 2007, 50(1).
Journal of Clinical Investigation, July 2007, 117(7).
Journal of Infectious Diseases, 15 July 2007, 196(2).
Journal of Virology, July 2007, 81(14).
Liver Transplantation, July 2007, 13(7).
Nature, 19 July 2007, 448(7151).
New Scientist, 21 july 2007, 195(2613).
New England journal of Medicine, 19 July 2007, 357(3).
Pediatric Clinics of North America, June 2007, 54(3).
Postgraduate Medical Journal, July 2007, 83(981).
Rheumatology, July 2007, 46(7).
Science, 13 july 2007, 317(5835).
Surgical Clinics of North America, June 2007, 87(3).
Surgical Neurology, July 2007, 68(1).
Transplant International, August 2007, 20(8).
Trends in Molecular Medicine, July 2007, 13(7).
17 July 2007
Journals received in the library, 16 July 2007
American Journal of Pathology, July 2007, 171(1).
Blood: Journal of the American Society of Hematology, 1 July 2007, 110(1).
BMJ, 14 July 2007, 104(7610).
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 1 July 2007, 45(1).
Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America, June 2007, 36(2).
Gastroenterology Clinics of North America, June 2007, 36(2).
Immunity, June 2007, 26(6).
International Journal of STD & AIDS, July 2007, 18(7).
The Lancet, 14 July 2007, 370(9582).
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 11 July 2007, 298(2).
Journal of Nutrition, July 2007, 137(7).
Journal of Physiology, 1 July 2007, 582(1).
Medicine, July 2007, 35(7).
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences, 29 July 2007, 362(1483).
Science, 6 July 2007, 317(5834).
Blood: Journal of the American Society of Hematology, 1 July 2007, 110(1).
BMJ, 14 July 2007, 104(7610).
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 1 July 2007, 45(1).
Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America, June 2007, 36(2).
Gastroenterology Clinics of North America, June 2007, 36(2).
Immunity, June 2007, 26(6).
International Journal of STD & AIDS, July 2007, 18(7).
The Lancet, 14 July 2007, 370(9582).
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 11 July 2007, 298(2).
Journal of Nutrition, July 2007, 137(7).
Journal of Physiology, 1 July 2007, 582(1).
Medicine, July 2007, 35(7).
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences, 29 July 2007, 362(1483).
Science, 6 July 2007, 317(5834).
16 July 2007
Journals received in the library, 12 July 2007
American Journal of Clinical Pathology, July 2007, 128(1).
American Journal of Epidemiology, 1 July 2007, 166(1).
American Journal of Human Genetics, July 2007, 81(1).
Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 116(6).
Archives of Internal Medicine, 25 June 2007, 167(12).
British Journal of Hospital Medicine, July 2007, 68(7).
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, July 2007, 54(7).
Cancer, 110(1).
Cell, 15 June 2007, 129(6).
Clinical Cancer Research, 13(10).
Emerging Infectious Diseases, 13(7).
Health Service Journal, 12 July 2007, 117(6064).
Infection and Immunity, 75(7).
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, June 2007, 17(3).
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound, 35(6).
Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1 July 2007, 196(1).
Journal of Lipid Research, July 2007, 48(7).
Journal of Medical Virology, August 2007, 79(8).
Journal of Neurosurgery: pediatrics, July 2007, 107(1).
Journal of Neurosurgery: spine, July 2007, 7(1).
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, July 2007, 322(1).
Nature, 12 July 2007, 448(7150).
Neuron, 54(6).
New Scientist, 14 July 2007, 195(2612).
Pediatrics, July 2007, 120 (1).
Pediatrics, July 2007, 120 (suppl 1).
Primary Health Care Research & Development, July 2007, 8(3).
PNAS: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 19 June 2007, 104(25).
PNAS: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 26 June 2007, 104(26).
Urology, June 2007, 69(9).
American Journal of Epidemiology, 1 July 2007, 166(1).
American Journal of Human Genetics, July 2007, 81(1).
Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 116(6).
Archives of Internal Medicine, 25 June 2007, 167(12).
British Journal of Hospital Medicine, July 2007, 68(7).
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, July 2007, 54(7).
Cancer, 110(1).
Cell, 15 June 2007, 129(6).
Clinical Cancer Research, 13(10).
Emerging Infectious Diseases, 13(7).
Health Service Journal, 12 July 2007, 117(6064).
Infection and Immunity, 75(7).
International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, June 2007, 17(3).
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound, 35(6).
Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1 July 2007, 196(1).
Journal of Lipid Research, July 2007, 48(7).
Journal of Medical Virology, August 2007, 79(8).
Journal of Neurosurgery: pediatrics, July 2007, 107(1).
Journal of Neurosurgery: spine, July 2007, 7(1).
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, July 2007, 322(1).
Nature, 12 July 2007, 448(7150).
Neuron, 54(6).
New Scientist, 14 July 2007, 195(2612).
Pediatrics, July 2007, 120 (1).
Pediatrics, July 2007, 120 (suppl 1).
Primary Health Care Research & Development, July 2007, 8(3).
PNAS: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 19 June 2007, 104(25).
PNAS: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 26 June 2007, 104(26).
Urology, June 2007, 69(9).
10 July 2007
New Journal Info tool

Through funding from the Royal Libary of Sweden there is a new tool to support researchers in the selection of journals for publication. The tool is called Journal Info and allows a quick and easy access to journal information via a website collection:
The information provided about journals include genre, access, costs and quality. You can also see which databases list a particular journal, what it will cost for libraries and alternative open access journals in existence. In total there are currently 18000 journals in the database.
The audience is researchers and the site exists in English and Swedish to reach as many as possible. Information has been collated from the web and is continually updated.
The screenshotshows the entry for the American Journal of Gastroenterology.
04 July 2007
Journals received in the library, 5th July 2007
AJR, July 2007, 189(1).
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, June 2007, 85(6).
American Journal of Epidemiology, 15 June 2007, 165(12).
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, June 2007, 196(6).
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 15 June 2007, 175(12).
Annals of Internal Medicine, 19 June 2007, 146(12).
Archives of Neurology, June 2007, 64(6).
BioTechniques, June 2007, 42(6).
BMJ Careers, 7 July 2007, 335.
Bone Marrow Transplantation, July 2007, 40(2).
British Journal of Cancer, 2 July 2007, 97(1).
British Journal of Dermatology, July 2007, 157(1).
British Journal of Dermatology, July 2007, 157(suppl.1).
Cancer Cytopathology, 25 June 2007, 111(3).
Cell, 2 June 2006, 125(5).
Endocrinology, July 2007, 148(7).
International Journal of Epidemiology, April 2007, 36(2).
JAMA, 4 July 2007, 298(1).
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, July 2007, 127(7).
Journals of Gerontology, April 2007, 62A(4).
Lancet, 7-13 July 2007, 370(9581).
New England Journal of Medicine, 5 July 2007, 357(1).
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, July 2007, 120(1).
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, July 2007, 120(1 suppl.).
Radiology, July 2007, 244(1).
Seminars in Nuclear Medicine, July 2007, 37(4).
Surgery, June 2007, 141(6).
Surgical Clinics of North America, April 2007, 87(2).
Thorax, July 2007, 62(7).
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, June 2007, 85(6).
American Journal of Epidemiology, 15 June 2007, 165(12).
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, June 2007, 196(6).
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 15 June 2007, 175(12).
Annals of Internal Medicine, 19 June 2007, 146(12).
Archives of Neurology, June 2007, 64(6).
BioTechniques, June 2007, 42(6).
BMJ Careers, 7 July 2007, 335.
Bone Marrow Transplantation, July 2007, 40(2).
British Journal of Cancer, 2 July 2007, 97(1).
British Journal of Dermatology, July 2007, 157(1).
British Journal of Dermatology, July 2007, 157(suppl.1).
Cancer Cytopathology, 25 June 2007, 111(3).
Cell, 2 June 2006, 125(5).
Endocrinology, July 2007, 148(7).
International Journal of Epidemiology, April 2007, 36(2).
JAMA, 4 July 2007, 298(1).
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, July 2007, 127(7).
Journals of Gerontology, April 2007, 62A(4).
Lancet, 7-13 July 2007, 370(9581).
New England Journal of Medicine, 5 July 2007, 357(1).
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, July 2007, 120(1).
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, July 2007, 120(1 suppl.).
Radiology, July 2007, 244(1).
Seminars in Nuclear Medicine, July 2007, 37(4).
Surgery, June 2007, 141(6).
Surgical Clinics of North America, April 2007, 87(2).
Thorax, July 2007, 62(7).
02 July 2007
Journals received in the library, 2nd July 2007
Antiviral Therapy, 2007, 12(4).
British Journal of Psychiatry, July 2007, 191.
BJOG, July 2007, 114(7).
BJS, July 2007, 94(7).
BMJ Careers, 30 June 2007, 334.
BMJ, 30 June 2007, 334(7608).
Chest, June 2007, 131(6).
Clinical & Experimental Allergy, July 2007, 37(7).
Colorectal Disease, July 2007, 9(6).
Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 19(3).
Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 52(7).
HSJ, 28 June 2007, 117(6062).
Journal of Clinical Pathology, July 2007, 60(7).
Journal of the American College of Crdiology, 19 June 2007, 49(24).
Journal of Family Practice, 56(5).
Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 60(7).
Kidney International, June 2007, 71(12).
Lancet, 30 June-6 July 2007, 369(9580).
Nature, 28 June 2007, 447(7148).
Nature Cell Biology, July 2007, 9(7).
Nature Reviews, July 2007, 8(7).
New Scientist, 30 June 2007, 194(2610).
Oncology Reviews, May 2007, 1(1).
Radiologic Clinics of North America, March 2007, 45(2).
Science, 22 June 2007, 316(5832).
Student BMJ, July 2007, 15:257-292.
British Journal of Psychiatry, July 2007, 191.
BJOG, July 2007, 114(7).
BJS, July 2007, 94(7).
BMJ Careers, 30 June 2007, 334.
BMJ, 30 June 2007, 334(7608).
Chest, June 2007, 131(6).
Clinical & Experimental Allergy, July 2007, 37(7).
Colorectal Disease, July 2007, 9(6).
Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 19(3).
Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 52(7).
HSJ, 28 June 2007, 117(6062).
Journal of Clinical Pathology, July 2007, 60(7).
Journal of the American College of Crdiology, 19 June 2007, 49(24).
Journal of Family Practice, 56(5).
Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 60(7).
Kidney International, June 2007, 71(12).
Lancet, 30 June-6 July 2007, 369(9580).
Nature, 28 June 2007, 447(7148).
Nature Cell Biology, July 2007, 9(7).
Nature Reviews, July 2007, 8(7).
New Scientist, 30 June 2007, 194(2610).
Oncology Reviews, May 2007, 1(1).
Radiologic Clinics of North America, March 2007, 45(2).
Science, 22 June 2007, 316(5832).
Student BMJ, July 2007, 15:257-292.
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