04 February 2009

E-books project - your chance to take part!

The JISC national e-books observatory project currently provides staff and students with free access to a collection of electronic books via the MyiLibrary platform. A full list of the books included in the project can be found at:http://www.jiscebooksproject.org/wp-content/full-list-of-e-books-oct-2007b.doc (medical titles are listed on last page).
The aim of the project is to find out more about usage, promotion and purchasing of e-books in academic libraries. For more information on the project go to http://www.jiscebooksproject.org/
Staff and students are invited to take part in a focus group about the electronic books provided as part of this project. Participating students from around 14 institutions (including UCL) will be entered into a prize draw to win one of 6 prizes of £100. If you are a student or member of staff at UCL and would be interested in taking part in these focus groups please contact Kate Cheney.

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